

class cyndilib.audio_frame.AudioFrame(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: object

Base class for audio frames


The number of bytes in the data pointer between channels

Typically calculated as num_samples * sizeof(float32_t)


Number of audio channels


Number of samples available for read or write


The current sample rate


The frame’s current ndi-timestamp


The per-frame ndi-timestamp


class cyndilib.audio_frame.AudioRecvFrame(size_t max_buffers=8, *args, **kwargs)#

Bases: AudioFrame

Audio frame to be used with a receiver.Receiver


max_buffers (int, optional) – The maximum number of items to store in the buffer. Defaults to 8

Incoming data from the receiver is placed into temporary buffers so it can be read without possibly losing frames. Each buffer will be of shape (num_channels num_samples).

The buffer items retain both the data frames and their corresponding timestamps. They can be read using the methods get_read_data(), get_all_read_data(), fill_read_data() and fill_all_read_data().

This object also implements the buffer protocol meaning it can be used anywhere a memoryview is expeted. When used this way, the view will contain the same information as the get_read_data() method.

fill_all_read_data(self, float32_t[:, :] dest, int64_t[:] timestamps)#

Copy all available read data into the given dest array and the item timestamps into the given timestamps array.

The shape of the dest array on the first axis should equal num_channels and the second should be at least read_length.

The timestamps array should be of at least read_length size

Returns a tuple of

  • nbfrs: The number of buffer items filled

  • col_idx: The index of the last column (last axis) filled on the result

fill_read_data(self, float32_t[:, :] dest)#

Copy the first available read item in the buffer into the given array

The array must equal that of get_read_shape()

Returns the timestamp of the data


Get all available data in the read buffer as a 2-d array

The shape of the result will be (num_channels, read_length)

get_buffer_depth(self) size_t#

The current number of frames available in the read buffer

get_frame_timestamps(self) list[int]#

Get a list of the frame timestamps in the read buffer


Get the first available item in the read buffer

Returns a tuple of

get_read_length(self) size_t#

Get the read array shape as (num_channels, num_samples)


The total number of samples in the read buffer (not multiplied by num_channels)


class cyndilib.audio_frame.AudioFrameSync#

Bases: AudioFrame

Audio frame for use with framesync.FrameSync

Unlike AudioRecvFrame, this object does not store or buffer any data. It will always contain the most recent audio data after a call to framesync.FrameSync.capture_audio() or framesync.FrameSync.capture_available_audio().

This is by design since the FrameSync methods utilize buffering from within the NDI® library.

Data can be read using the get_array() method or by using the buffer protocol.


Get the current data as a ndarray of float32 with shape (num_channels, num_samples)


class cyndilib.audio_frame.AudioSendFrame(size_t max_num_samples=1602, *args, **kwargs)#

Bases: AudioFrame

Audio frame for use with sender.Sender


Instances of this class are not intended to be created directly nor are its methods. They are instead called from the sender.Sender write methods.


The maximum num_samples to be used.


int, readonly

set_max_num_samples(self, size_t n)#
write_data(self, float32_t[:, :] data)#